2018-05-14 8:50 GMT+02:00 Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org>:
> Am 14.05.2018 um 00:02 schrieb David Kastrup:
>> Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> writes:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm thinking about having a new grob property \class, but before
>>> digging deeper I'd like to put the idea up for discussion.
>>> This would have two different goals:
>>> 1) for SVG output the objects would get the class assigned (along with
>>> an id). I don't have any idea yet how that is implemented,
>>> though. This will make it possible to work with CSS in a display
>>> environment.
>>> 2) (Formatting) functions can check for a grob's class to perform
>>> e.g. highlighting operations (=> color all NoteHeads with class
>>> "temporary" red)
>>> In addition I would like to use that to export class information to
>>> MusicXML.
>>> Any comments or objections?
>> The various semantics seem to be tied more to the word "class" than a
>> common concept underlying the proposed uses of this property.  Maybe
>> explain some more what the generic concept of class should be and why
>> the proposed backend semantics are in every case the proper match to the
>> concept?
> The idea is to give various grobs a secondary name, making same-named grobs
> belong to a group of objects where the grouping is independent from
> groupings like grob type or voice/staff/measure/etc. context. To express
> what I mean other words would be appropriate as well, such as e.g. "type",
> but I would suggest to use the same word (and concept) as is used in CSS.
> In scholarly editions you may have score items you want to mark up as
> "addition", "emendation", "deletion". It's already possible to define music
> functions that produce the highlighting you want to apply to these types of
> grobs, for example dash slurs added by the editor. With that you also have a
> way to centrally control the appearance, for example to also use colors
> while working on the edition and suppress that for the final publication.
> However, the resulting grob will not "know" it is an addition but only that
> it is dashed and green, for example.
> My suggestion is to have the possibility (which of course doesn't discourage
> the use of music functions as would be done currently) to instead set a
> grob's 'class' property to semantically mark up that grob instead of
> (directly) changing its appearance, deferring the styling to a later stage.
> In LilyPond this can for example be an engraver that tests grobs for their
> class property and acts upon that.
> If the class property is exported to SVG then the appearance of objects can
> be controlled interactively with CSS. The same should be possible when
> exporting to MusicXML.
> Probably an engraver should be made available as well (but not consisted to
> any context by default), along with a means of defining "styles" (maybe an
> alist of property/value pairs) that will be applied to grobs with the given
> class. A style should be somewhat hierarchical, at least to allow generic
> property/value pairs and additional ones for specific grob types (for
> example note heads should probably not be dashed ...). I haven't thought
> about the idea of actually make styles cascading like in CSS, and I'm not
> sure there's an appropriate concept of nestedness that would make that a
> natural thing to pursue.
> I think it would be nice to provide a command [\once] \class <grob-type>
> <class-name> which should also be usable as a \tweak on individual grobs.
> Very practical would also be to have a context property as well, so
>     \set Voice.class = "unclear"
> would attach the class to every grob within its scope.
> Like with CSS multiple classes should be possible with
>     \class Beam "unclear addition"
> My examples so far all come from scholarly editing but I think this could
> open up a wide array of use cases. Think about classes like the following:
>     \class LyricText "excited"
>     \set Voice.class = "muted"
>     \class Hairpin "grey1 dashed with-text"
>     \class RehearsalMark "rehearsal-mark"
>     \class RehearsalMark "section-mark"
> Urs

Hi Urs,

it's still not very clear to me what you want.
This may be due to my limited knowledge of the english language: I
tend to skip detailed explanations.
Not always the right thing, I have to admit...

I'd prefer code.
You certainly know how to define custom context/grob-properties. But
even without doing so, below row implementation is possible. At least
for grobs.

TstEngraver =
#(lambda (context)
      ((grob-interface engraver grob source-engraver)
        (let* ((details (ly:grob-property grob 'details '()))
               (class (assoc-get 'class details)))
          (cond ((symbol-list? class)
                   (if (member 'deleted class)
                       (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'color grey)))
                ((symbol? class)
                   (case class
                       (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'color red))
                     (else '())))))))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists \TstEngraver

  \once \override Slur.details.class = #'addition
  a4( b c' d')
  e' d'
  \once \override Tie.details.class = #'(deleted grey)
  c'~ c'

Is this something you have in mind?


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