> On my GUB build machine (4 core hyperthreaded i7, 8 Gigs, SSD) an
> incremental build (i.e. with a stable version of GUB with the
> toolset all up to date) takes around one to one and a half hours.
> If GUB needs updating, it can, as you say, take over 6 hours even on
> that machine.  The upload is then a few Gigs and on my old broadband
> this took around 6 hours to upload.  My shiny VDSL connection does
> it in about 5 minutes.  So a complete GUB rebuild is feasible.
> However, I'm not sure that was what was requested.  A simple Linux
> binary in a specific location of Lilypond.org would be fairly
> straightforward - about 2 minutes for the build and very quick
> upload.

What about setting up GUB (with LilyPond) on https://hydra.nixos.org/?
Other GNU projects like Emacs are also hosted there for daily
builds, so it should be easy to get lilypond registered there...



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