Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Hi,
> with
> I implemented \undertie markup based on Jan's proposal.
> I now wanted to use make-tie-stencil for other stuff and noticed some 
> problems.
> (1)
> The local binding of slur-height, based on Jan's:
> %% FIXME: c&p from
> #(define (F0_1 x) (* (/ 2 PI) (atan (* PI x 0.5))))
> #(define (slur-height w h_inf r_0)
>   (F0_1 (* (/ (* w r_0) h_inf) h_inf)))
> Though, isn't there a wrong bracketing in slur-height?
> In it's:
> Real
> slur_height (Real width, Real h_inf, Real r_0)
> {
>   return F0_1 (width * r_0 / h_inf) * h_inf;
> }
> Shouldn't it be?
>     (slur-height
>       (lambda (w h_inf r_0)
>         (* (F0_1 (/ (* w r_0) h_inf)) h_inf)))
> Because my lack of C++-knowledge, I thought to better ask before
> providing a patch.

Well, yeah.  (* (/ ... h_inf) h_inf)  does not make a whole lot of sense
either way.

David Kastrup

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