Reviewers: ,

Issue 2199: align outside-staff grobs vertically in staff groups

In any context in which a Vertical_align_engraver creates a
StaffGrouper, it also sees to it that all outside-staff grobs created
in the immediate context become y-axis children of the StaffGrouper.

Any such grobs which are later processed by the after-line-breaking
callback ly:side-position-interface::move_to_extremal_staff are moved
to the extremal staff of the group, not of the entire system.

Please review this at

Affected files (+206, -36 lines):
  A input/regression/
  A input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  A input/regression/
  M lily/include/staff-grouper-interface.hh
  M lily/include/system.hh
  M lily/
  M lily/
  M lily/
  M lily/

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