On 2/7/18, 9:05 AM, "David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

    Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> writes:
    > On 2/7/18, 2:37 AM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Torsten Hämmerle" 
<lilypond-devel-bounces+c_sorensen=byu....@gnu.org on behalf of 
torsten.haemme...@web.de> wrote:
    >     If there will probably even be a MIDI playback in the future, we 
    >     need "real" marks to jump to, not only text markups.
    >     This being said, I'd favour *something containing "mark" and 
    >     because that's what it's all about.
    >  If we want to capture semantics properly, I believe we need to recognize 
that there are three different kinds of marks:
    > 1) "jump-from" marks (D.S. al ..., D.C. al ..., To Coda)
    > 2) "jump-to" marks (Segno, beginning of piece, coda)
    > 3) "stop playing" marks (Fine, end of piece)
    \playMark ?

Do you think we could adequately capture the semantics of all three kinds of 
marks in a single \playMark command?  How would you identify if a given 
\playMark command establish a jump-from, jump-to, or stop point?

By having different commands I intended we would have different events, which 
could respond appropriately with iterators when doing unfolded playback.  If 
there's another way to do that, I'd be happy to have a single command, but I 
think I prefer \flowMark to \playMark, because it is more specific about the 
intent of the mark.



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