David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

>>   %% no fail
>>   \override TupletNumber.Y-offset =
>>    #(ly:make-unpure-pure-container
>>       (lambda (grob) (+ (ly:tuplet-number::calc-y-offset grob) 1))
>>       (lambda (grob start end) 1))
>>   \tuplet 3/2 4 {
>>     c,,8 d e f g a b c d e f g
>>     c,,8^> d e f^> g a b^> c d e^> f g }
>> }
> Ok, this means that at pure time, ly:tuplet-number::calc-y-offset must
> not be called at all or it will ride roughshod over the X offset.  We'll
> get the hang of it yet.

At any rate, one point of grob-transformer is that it should work for
any kind of value/callback, and it clearly doesn't here.  So either the
theory underlying it is wrong, or the implementation.

David Kastrup

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