On 2017/12/26 16:03:31, mail_philholmes.net wrote:
> Can anyone ask Gould about this topic? My patch follows Phil’s
> on the tracker from 2013 ;)
> https://codereview.appspot.com/333340043/

AFAICS Gould is not explicit on the correct handling of MMRs like

I think you’re right. (I found the German translation at our university

For single measure rests she writes (section II.6)
• semibrevis rest for any time signature
• exception: brevis rest for 4/2, 8/4 and longer
→ LilyPond does this but adds
• exception: longa rest for 4/1 and longer, maxima rest for 8/1 and

For compressed multi measure rests she writes (section III.18)
• \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = [one of 1 “modern”, 9
“classic”, or 2 “many editions”]
• how 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 measure rests are written if expand-limit =
9; she doesn’t mention time signature/measure length at all here
→ LilyPond does this with the following exceptions
• default expand-limit is 10, not 9
• the forms for 2 to 9 bars rest are only the ones shown by her for
measure lengths < 2/1 until this patch comes and fixes that

In section III.18 she writes something like “put a 1 above a single
measure rest” and shows only an example with a semibrevis rest (without
mentioning measure length) but doesn’t do that in II.6 …

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