Hi Trevor,
I am working on Linux and have no Windows 10 running. I will try on Win7
later. IIRC there was a problem with oll-core on Windows 10, but maybe
someone else can tell?
The error message indicates a problem before EE is loaded.
If oll-core is loaded successfully EE *should* work.
Am 26.12.2017 um 09:41 schrieb Trevor:
Hi EE-Users
I thought I'd try to bring the edition engraver into use over the
holiday period, so I cloned edition-engraver and oll-core from git-hub
into a local repository, placed that in Frescobaldi's include path and
tried to compile the first example in edition-engraver. It fails with
the message:
C:/Users/tdani/openlilylib/oll-core/package.ily:57:2 <0>: error: GUILE
signaled an error for the expression beginning here
(if (not (defined? 'openlilylib-root))
<1>: error: unknown escaped string: `\loadPackage'
\loadPackage edition-engraver
Before I spend time investigating this further, I'm wondering if the
edition-engraver is known to work within Frescobaldi on Windows 10 with
LilyPond 2.19.80. Are there any such users?
Alternatively, any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
------ Original Message ------
From: "Jan-Peter Voigt" <jp.vo...@gmx.de <mailto:jp.vo...@gmx.de>>
To: lilypond-u...@gnu.org <mailto:lilypond-u...@gnu.org>; "Mason Hock"
<masonh...@gmail.com <mailto:masonh...@gmail.com>>
Sent: 24/12/2017 10:19:48
Subject: Re: edition-editor usage
Hello Mason,
it is possible to use \shapeII with the edition-engraver :-)
And it sounds like this is the use case the EE is originally meant for.
Yes, the wording is a bit inconsistent and/or irritating. I will try
to sum it up:
In the recent versions I used the terms target and context to divide
two dimensions. The target names the requested output like for example
'fullscore' or 'violinI-part'. If you "activate" an edition-target
with \addEdition violinI-part it uses all modifications that look like
\editionMod violinI-part <measure> <moment> <edition-context> {
\shapeII ... }
This is a real example I used inside the piano reduction:
\editionMod klavier 38 0/8 chor.ten.TenorStaff \once \shapeII #'(()(0
. 1)()()) Slur
It means:
with edition-target 'klavier' (the piano reduction) in measure 38 the
first eighth apply the shapeII-command inside the context identified
by 'chor.ten.TenorStaff'.
Moments are counted zero-based, so the first moment is zero. This
might irritating on first sight, but it is meaningful as the distance
from the beginning of the measure. The context in the example above is
the tenor staff inside the choir-staff.
I think the main point is understanding the three dimensions:
1. the edition-target - that is the condition if to apply the
modification ... apply this modification for the score of type T(arget)
2. the edition-context - that is where to apply the modification ...
the LilyPond context like Voice, Staff, Score etc.
3. the time - that is the musical timestamp when to apply the
modification ... moment X inside measure Y
I will send more details and information soon!
But for today and tomorrow I wish you a merry Christmas and all the
best for 2018!
Am 23. Dezember 2017 20:09:29 MEZ schrieb Mason Hock
I have a piece in which each performer reads from a version of the score
with their staff full-sized with the other parts on small staves. This
pieces also requires a lot of manual tweaking of slurs.
I've been using \shapeII for the slurs, which works great, except that
if I shape the slur correctly for the full-sized version of the part it
is shaped incorrectly for the small version of the part and vice versa.
In order for the slurs to look good in both situations I need two sets
of \shapeII tweaks.
edition-editor looks like a promising solution, but I'm having trouble
learning how to use it. The only documentation I can find is the usage
examples here.
Each example is very specific, which makes it difficult to decode how
edition-engraver works in general. I guess my questions are
(1) Will edition-engraver work for tweaking slurs with \shapeII?
(2) If so, what should be my approach in terms of organization? My guess
would be to have 8 editions, a full-size version and small version for
each of the 4 staves, where each pdf uses 1 full-size edition and 3
small editions.
(3) How do I make certain 'editions' (at this point I'm questioning
whether I'm using that term correctly) apply to certain staves in each pdf?
(4) What is the basic syntax for using edition-editor? It's difficult to
tell from the examples in the repo what is the basic syntax and what is
extending it.
Thanks to anyone who can clarify.
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