On 2017/09/17 10:02:41, knupero wrote:
On 2017/09/16 19:53:57, dak wrote:
> Indepent of those: I don't actually see this addressing issue 1255,
so maybe
> create a new issue in the Sourceforge issue tracker for it and
attach this
> Rietveld issue?  It seems at best loosely related to issue #1255 but
seems to
> desirable nevertheless.
Well, issue 1255 addresses the problem that the hyphen glyph of a
lyric font and
the LyricHyphen grob are not identical.
Issue 1255 is: "#1255 Extract hyphen dimensions and/or hyphen glyph from
the font "

Your patch does not extract hyphen dimensions or the hyphen glyph from
the font.  It might get used for using the hyphen glyph (provided that
you know its font-dependent character code) as a hyphen, so it might
contribute to deciding to retire issue #1255 "Wontfix".

It cites a source code comment: "TODO: should extract hyphen
dimensions or
hyphen glyph from the font".

It cites Alexander Kobel: "Once I also tried to exchange the
LyricHyphen stencil
to mimic LyricText, but to no avail - AFAICS, the alignment of the
hyphens is
more or less hard-coded in the C++ part."
"Once I also tried" points to a related problem.

I think there are good reasons to think that the patch is a reasonable
to the problem described in issue 1255.
Issue 1255 does not describe a _problem_ but a particular desired
functionality.  This functionality is not the one you implement but you
state that the underlying problem is the same.  People refer to issue
numbers, and search the issues with search terms.  When implementing
different functionality, it thus makes sense to create a separate issue
and cross-reference the issues.


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