On 2017/08/17 19:59:30, Ebe123 wrote:
On 2017/08/16 22:03:31, dak wrote:
> Uh, isn't that just skirting the issue?  SVG text generation has a
> swallowing spaces and instead of fixing that, one instance of space
use rather
> uses something else?
> That sounds like a bottomless barrel.  Shouldn't we rather try to
fix the
> problem?  I mean, it will occur for user-generated texts anyway.

No, this behaviour is documented and is part of the SVG standard. The
non-breaking space is the correct character to use here, and so this
is not just
skirting the issue. The issue was the incorrect use of normal spaces.
user-generated texts, this character might also be the correct one, I
don't see
what you mean. Sorry I didn't see this sooner; didn't get any

The SVG standard does _not_ determine what we can place in markup.  If
our translation from markup to SVG loses spaces, we need to fix that
conversion, not avoid using spaces in markups.


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