Hi David (et al.),

> It's not suitable as is, but easily remedied.  The grob LyricWord is
> defined in a hackish way so that it can fit in an LY file.
So in C++, it would be non-hackish…?

> it's potentially useful to have a grob which organizes whole Lyric words,
> so lyrics are not simply a collection of isolated syllables.


> I can't say what problems there are with the compression routine.
> I know there have been complaints, but I haven't looked into them.

I’ve just discovered that using lyric-word-compressor makes the last line of my 
score unexpectedly (and unpredictably) shorter, as if I had set ragged-last = 
##t. I'll see if I can make an MWE that demonstrates this issue; in the 
meantime, I'll have to crank out this score without it…


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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