Hi Charles,
the make-note-ev function is hidden inside a closure and therefore not
publicly visible. It depends on the duration defined in that closure. To
create NoteEvents you should create them like this:
(make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch root 'duration some-duration)
where 'some-duration' is defined with a duration: (ly:make-duration 2)
for a quarter note.
The begin-define-sequence implies using 'let':
#(let ((root (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
(dur (ly:make-duration 2)))
(display (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch root 'duration dur)))
If there is a duration reachable in the scope you are acting, then you
can use that one like you found in the mentioned file and probably copy
the definition of make-note-ev.
Am 01.06.2017 um 17:03 schrieb Charles Winston:
I’m fooling around with using Scheme in lilypond files, making some way on my
GSoC chords project. I’m trying to call the make-note-ev procedure found in
scm/chord-entry.scm on line 196. I’ve written something simple:
(define root (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
(display (make-note-ev root))
And I get an error saying that make-note-ev is an unbound variable. I thought
that we could call Scheme procedures from the source in lilypond files. What am
I missing here?
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