Hi Urs,

My understanding of copyright is that the date range applies to the
published work as a whole, and does not operate on the granularity of
individual components. Furthermore, there is no legal requirement to
actually have a copyright notice at all, as works are naturally copyright
nowadays, and the notice is really only as a partial, and not critical,
piece of backup evidence used if cases go to court.

I speak from my knowledge of copyright in Australia, which is bound to be
different to Germany, as copyright law is inconsistent across regions.


On 23 March 2017 at 18:13, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

> Finally, if my initial assumption about the copyright notice is correct,
> this script should not be run manually at the beginning of each year
> (which obviously doesn't always happen anyway) but at regular intervals,
> e.g. before/after each merge to master (probably too noisy for the
> history) or at least before each release.
> Opinions?
> Urs
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