> On 19 Mar 2017, at 12:32, James <p...@gnu.org> wrote:
> CG), Masamichi updated the configure scripts to post a warning if URW++
> fonts are not installed - but they are not 'required'.
> https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/search/?q=URW
> I hope this helps.

Thanks! The problem appears to be some weird consequence of the jail. If I 
compile without jailing, the font file opens without problem. But inside the 
jail, lilypond cannot open the font file *even if the file is there*. I can see 
the system calls for the same file in the two cases: one ends with OK, the 
other with a "NOT FOUND" error. But I a do have installed a copy of that file 
inside the jail. Grrr.



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