2017-03-12 16:03 GMT+01:00 Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org>:
> Am 12. März 2017 15:52:27 MEZ schrieb Thomas Morley 
> <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>:
>>Hi all,
>>guile 2.1.8 is released, which will be the next step towards the new
>>stable guile 2.2.
>>Hence I'd think I should share my test-results
>>I've successfully build guile-2.1.8 from the guile-repo and had a
>>successful make and a full make doc on the lily-repo.
>>I made a regtest-comparison to a build with guile-1.8.8: no
>>How lilypond with guile-2.18 behaves with respect to the known
>>problems (speed, etc) I have to check further, though I expect not a
>>real improvement, since I didn't notice any guile-patches concerning
>>lily-problems (I may be wrong here, though, further testings will show
> I'm pretty incompetent here, but may I (re-)raise the question if it would be 
> a good idea to have the Scheme files in LilyPond in the compiled form? This 
> should give *default* LilyPond a speed boost and only negatively affect 
> *users'* Scheme code.
> Urs

On this topic (and others) see David's post here:

Though I've to say I'm pretty incompetent here as well.
The guile2 manual says nothing about how to do so, afaict.

Paul's nice post here
is not yet replied.


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