Simple answer - I run the GUB uploader.
Slightly more useful one: there are two aspects to the "website": the one
that is created with "make website". This is a fairly simple step, and any
change to any file that is part of "website" is automatically picked up by
the website - it has a pair of cron jobs that pull git and run "make
website" every hour. The more complex parts of the site (e.g. the docs) are
created by GUB with a "make lilypond" and then uploaded with a GUB command
that rsynch's my disk with
I suspect this won't answer your question, but does move the issue forward.
Please ask more - if I can answer, I will.
Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Urs Liska" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2017 9:50 PM
Subject: Website upload (was: Obsolete GSoC page)
could you tell us how you (you do that, isn't it?) how you upload the
Am 06.03.2017 um 11:59 schrieb Urs Liska:
Am 6. März 2017 11:41:54 MEZ schrieb Federico Bruni <>:
Il giorno lun 6 mar 2017 alle 11:27, Federico Bruni
<> ha scritto:
gsoc-2012.html is generated by an existing node: "@node GSoC 2012",
as shown by the grep above.
Sorry, you are right: the english file shouldn't be there (only catalan
and chinese files).
If our conclusions are correct I suspect many more obsolete files lying
around pn the web server.
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