first on a technical note: Many do not use the Nabble interface and they
can’t see to which old thread you are replying. It’s more helpful to
just open a new one.
On 08.02.2017 19:22, oldsap wrote:
I see this problem as well. The log message is:
warning: compressing over-full page by 31.9 staff-spaces
warning: page 5 has been compressed
This generates one system at the top of page 5 with signs of compression in
the lowest staff, then leaves a huge empty space, then a highly compressed
system at the bottom of the page. I have tried setting
"ragged-last-bottom = ##f" and "max-systems-per-page = 2" to no effect
(lilypond is only writing 2 systems to the page after all). As this only
happens on page 5 of an 11-page score, a short example is impossible (for me
at any rate). Pages 1-4 and 6-11 are fine. The lilypond 12.14.0 file was
generated by Rosegarden 15.12 on Linux Mint 18. Compression is less if
"set-global-staff-size 18" is reduced to 13.
The problem doesn’t ring any bell with me, at least with the empty space
you are referring to. You could try inserting the following line into
your LilyPond file to enable visualisation of the ‘skylines’ LilyPond
uses for spacing:
#(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t)
and report back if that gives any hint, maybe as to what grob is causing
the empty space.
Else it’s not possible to say anything without looking at the actual
code. Either you have another go at creating a minimal example, e.g. by
successively replacing music with spacer rests, or using explicit page
breaks, or \repeat constructs. Or you send over the whole file,
privately to me if necessary.
Best, Simon
lilypond-devel mailing list