James <p...@gnu.org> writes:

> Hello,
> The snippet 'using-marklines-in-a-frenched-score.ly' in the recent
> makelsr commit
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=commit;h=5fd7d7d19803c8b1cfac6324381c86dcc057a433
> contains a malformed TexInfo command
> @{Markdown}
> Which breaks make doc and so cannot be merged into master.
> See my last email about testing patches with new snippets.
> Unless you are going to make doc, I suggest that you don't push
> makelsr updates as makelesr doesn't check for incorrect TexInfo
> formats, and while 'make' often catches a lot of these TexInfo issues,
> it wouldn't in this case because this snippet isn't 'checked' until
> the makedoc stage.

The snippets get converted to Texinfo (without graphics) just when doing
"make", so while "make" does not capture LilyPond errors within @texinfo
constructs, it usually balks on Texinfo errors.

David Kastrup

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