Hi Paul, Alexander et. al! I need to be very short as a rehearsal is waiting.
I'd advocate to keep minimum-length. I also need some way to force an extender and to inhibit extender generation. Forcing an individual extender should overrule a general inhibition of extenders. Details can be hidden by some music functions ... but there's not time to generate a patch now. Have a look at the attached ly and the generated pdf ... and comment on the chosen names and syntax. It should be self-explanatory. cu, Knut
\version "2.19.53" \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") ragged-right = ##f left-margin = 1\cm line-width = 19\cm top-margin = 1\cm bottom-margin = 1\cm ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##f } \pointAndClickOff #(set-global-staff-size 16) \markup { "automatic extenders, minimum-length 7 "} << { c''1 2 ~ 2 2 4 ~ 4 4 8 ~ 8 8 16 ~ 16 4 1 \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #7 \repeat unfold 5 { foo -- bar }} >> \markup { "automatic extenders, minimum-length 3.5 "} << { c''1 2 ~ 2 2 4 ~ 4 4 8 ~ 8 8 16 ~ 16 4 1 \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #3.5 \repeat unfold 5 { foo -- bar }} >> \markup { "automatic extenders, minimum-length 1 "} << { c''1 2 ~ 2 2 4 ~ 4 4 8 ~ 8 8 16 ~ 16 4 1 \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #1 \repeat unfold 5 { foo -- bar }} >> \markup { "automatic extenders, mixed manual and automatic melismata, extender on last note forced to length 5"} << { \autoBeamOff c''2 2 4\( 4 4 4\) 4 4 4\( 4( 4) 8[ 8] 8\) 16\(\melisma 16\melismaEnd 4\) 1 \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #8 foo -- _ bar _ _ _ foo -- _ bar _ _ _ foo -- _ \forceExtenderTo #5 bar } >> \markup { "automatic extenders, mixed manual and automatic melismata, first extender shortened, extender on last note forced "} << { \autoBeamOff c''2 2 4\( 4 4 4\) 4 4 4\( 4( 4) 8[ 8] 8\) 16\(\melisma 16\melismaEnd 4\) 1 \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #8 foo -- _ \forceExtender bar _ "" _ foo -- _ bar _ _ _ foo -- _ \forceExtender bar _ _ _ } >> \markup { "Issue 1006 revisited, last extender forced and tweaked to the left, minimum-length 2 "} \score { << \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 2/1 \repeat volta 2 { r4 g4 d'2. a4 bes2~ bes a2 g1~ } \alternative{ { g2 fis4 e fis1 d'1 c2 bes} { g\repeatTie fis4 e fis1 } } \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #2 of Prin -- ces all _ _ the _ flowâr. Who took a- \earlyExtender #-4 the _ flowâr. } >> } \markup { "Issue 1006 revisited, last extender forced and tweaked to the left, minimum-length 1 "} \score { << \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 2/1 \repeat volta 2 { r4 g4 d'2. a4 bes2~ bes a2 g1~ } \alternative{ { g2 fis4 e fis1 d'1 c2 bes} { g\repeatTie fis4 e fis1 } } \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \noExtenderLimit #1 of Prin -- ces all _ _ the _ flowâr. Who took a- \earlyExtender #-4 the _ flowâr. } >> } \markup{Here our melisma detection fails. We need to override. } \score { << \new Voice = "singleVoice" { \relative { a'4 a a a \repeat volta 3 { b4 b b b } c4 c c c } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "singleVoice" { Not re -- peat -- ed. << { The first time words. } \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "singleVoice" Sec -- ond time \noExtender words. } \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "singleVoice" The third time \noExtender words. } >> The end sec -- tion. } >> } \markup {There should be no extender from volta 1 to volta 2 but a short extender starting at volta 2} \score { << \new Staff { \time 2/4 \new Voice = "melody" { \relative { \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() \repeat volta 2 { b'4 b ~} \alternative { { b b } { b \repeatTie c } } \unset melismaBusyProperties c4 c } } } \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "melody" { \repeat volta 2 { Here's a __ } \alternative { { \skip 1 verse } { \earlyExtender #-4 sec -- } } ond one. } } >> } \markup {Best solution to that problem ...} \score { << \new Staff { \time 2/4 \new Voice = "melody" { \relative { \repeat volta 2 { b'4 b ~} \alternative { { b b } { b \repeatTie c } } c4 c } } } \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "melody" { Here's a verse. "" "" } } \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "melody" { Here's \shortenExtender#6 one "" \earlyExtender #-6 more to sing. } } >> } \layout { }
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