Hi all

Eventually I managed to build the new ISO.
I decided to upgrade to Stretch (still in testing), because otherwise I had problems with pinning guile-2.0 from testing. Another advantage is that in Stretch there's also LxQT (successor of LXDE), which seems lightweight, fast and feature-rich.

You can donwload the image here:

Let me know if you find any problem.

Notable changes:

- upgrade to Debian 9 Stretch and live-build 5
- switch to [LXQt](http://lxqt.org/), successor of LXDE
- upgrade to guile-2
- update some lilypond build dependencies
- added samba support: now you can share files between host and guest just by using in the file manager a link like `smb://` (replace it with your local IP); bookmark the link and it will be always available under Places.

Let me know if you need any guidance with Samba shares, in case you prefer using libvirt instead of VirtualBox.

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