2016-11-25 23:19 GMT+01:00 Antonio Ospite <a...@ao2.it>:
> On Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:33:42 +0100
> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:
>> > Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com> writes:
>> >
> [...]
>> >> with the container and/or LilyDev for guile2 we are going to have some
>> >> stuff to simplify the workflow, attracting more people.
>> >> It's still tedious to add Antonios patches.
>> >> How about creating a public branch?
>> >> I could do this in the evening (if I remember the syntax)

Too tired to do it today anyway...

>> >>
>> >> What do you think?
>> >
>> > Shouldn't most of them be able to become part of master?
> TBH I didn't try to compile lilypond using guile-1.8 with my patches
> applied, I can give it a go in the next days.
>> Though the time frame of master moves in weeks, and the impetus of
>> developer activity may move in hours.
>> So a separate branch for communication might indeed be a reasonable
>> short-term measure.
> I agree, but since these patches are a moving target we should choose
> one of these two alternative approaches:
>  1. Use only one branch, but warn users that the branch might be
>     rebased, this would mean that "git pull --force" might be needed on
>     the client side.
>  2. Use versioned branches, this means that when the need for a rebase
>     arises the result of the rebasing goes into a new branch, e.g.:
>       guile-2.0-v2
>     or
>       guile-2.0-20161125
> In the mean time I started to write a TODO list of the missing pieces:
> - Make lilypond locale-independent
> - /input/regression/keys.ly looks bad (Reported by Thomas Morley)

This is due to the fix for

Not related with guile2, so I'd drop it from _this_ TODO-list.

> - /input/regression/utf-8.ly changed spacing/line.break (Reported by
>   Thomas Morley) Might be related to the floating point issue below
> - Investigate why the floating point numbers are different in some
>   decimal digits (Reported by Knut Petersen)
> - Investigate why lilypond is a lot slower when using guile-2.0

This is the current main problem, I'd say.

Probably worth adding:

(display (make-simple-markup "xy"))

results in:

(#<procedure simple-markup (layout props str)> xy)

(#<procedure simple-markup (a b c)> xy)
Which is technically correct but not helpful.


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