Antonio Ospite <> writes:

> For instance if David, or someone else, could confirm that patch 0005
> [1] actually makes sense I would propose it for inclusion in lilypond.
> Thanks,
>    Antonio
> [1]

[Forehead-slap] Looks like the right thing to do but it seems like
moving it the scm_dynwind_end call before anything else is done might be
better since non_fatal_error might cause a fatal error (depending on
command line options) and I am not completely sure that a non-local C++
exit will properly count as a non-local Scheme exit according to
scm_dynwind_end's documentation.

It's a non-brainer so I might just push a fix without further notice if
it's ok with you that I'm stealing your credit in that manner.  If it's
not ok, I'll get your patch and commit message and do that change with
you as author.

David Kastrup

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