Am 2016-10-27 13:40, schrieb David Kastrup:
while the documentation is quite explicit that, ordered from top to
bottom, assignments should be more like

1/2, 3/1/2, 3/1/2/4, 5/3/1/2/4, 5/3/1/2/4/6 ...

namely keeping the small voice numbers for the inner voices.

Are you sure? I always understood this as 1/3/5/6/4/2, not 5/3/1/2/4/6 (small numbers for outer voices).


In three part polyphony the << ... \\ ... \\ ... >> shortcut makes the third (inner voice) a \voiceThree which means upward stems (and other automatically set directions). But often one should wants downward stems, so one needs \voiceFour. This is unintentional because there are no four voices; and the ordering 1/3/5/6/4/2 is very confusing for beginners.

Suggestion: change
    << highest \\ lowest \\ second highest \\ second lowest \\ .. >>
    << highest ; second highest ; ... \\ ... ; second lowest ; lowest >>
This would be a single \\ to separate upward and downward voices and ; (or some other symbol) to separate voices of the same kind.

    << vI \\ vIII \\ { \voiceFour vII } >>
would become
    << vI \\ vII ; vIII >>
(vIII being the lowest voice)

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