>> Then some downloads and later it came to this error saying make is too old:
>> Tail of target/linux-x86/log/glibc-core.log >>>>>>>>
>>     checking for gnumsgfmt... no
>>     checking for gmsgfmt... no
>>     checking for msgfmt... msgfmt
>>     checking version of msgfmt... 0.19.2, ok
>>     checking for makeinfo... makeinfo
>>     checking version of makeinfo... 6.1, bad
>>     checking for sed... sed
>>     checking version of sed... v. ?.??, bad
>>     checking for autoconf... autoconf
>>     checking whether autoconf works... yes
>>     configure: error:
>>     *** These critical programs are missing or too old: make
>>     *** Check the INSTALL file for required versions.
>>     Command barfed: cd
> Have a look at the specific config.log

I think I found the problem:
while running configure in glibc, configure finds make 4.0 but checks
for 3.79* or 3.8* or 3.9*.

Here is what's about make in Makefile.in:

AC_CHECK_PROG_VER(MAKE, gnumake gmake make, --version,
  [GNU Make[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9.]*\)],
  [3.79* | 3.[89]*], critic_missing="$critic_missing make")

probably an old glibc compared to my make.

Anything I can do to either download a newer glibc or change
autmatically Makefile.in from glibc?



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