On 04 Sep 2016, at 19:42, Cynthia Karl <pck...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Message: 5
>> Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2016 17:41:42 +0200
>> From: Jacques Menu Muzhic <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch>
>> To: Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: Jacques Menu Muzhic <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch>,     lilypond-user
>>      <lilypond-u...@gnu.org>
>> Subject: Re: v2.19.47 on Mac x86
>> I run El Capitan 10.11.6:
>> menu@macbookprojm:~/Documents/LaTeX/PartitionsLilypond > uname -a
>> Darwin macbookprojm 15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0: Mon Aug 29 20:21:34 
>> PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.60.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
>> and I get:
>> menu@macbookprojm:~ > sudo dtruss lilypond --version
> I run El Capitan 10.11.6 and get the exact same output for “uname -a”.
> I wanted to see what the difference was between v2.19.46 and v2.19.47, so I 
> ran them both on the following file:
> bash-3.2$ cat 1note.ly
> \version "2.19.46"
> { c4 }
> <….>

> I then ran dtruss -c on both versions to see what the difference in system 
> calls was.
> The following table shows the number of system calls which have a Count > 100 
> for the v2.19.47 version and the corresponding count for the v2.19.46 version:
> CALL                  COUNT LP46                      COUNT LP47
> …                             …                                       …
> getattrlist                   112                                     128
> stat                          178                                     171
> stat64                        207                                     207
> sigaltstack           222                                     228
> sigprocmask           263                                     269
> select_nocancel       320                                     323
> lseek                   57                              123013
> read_nocancel 341                               125474
> I then did a count of the number of lseeks on file descriptors <= 13 (at 
> first glance there are no file descriptors greater than 12:
> lseek(0xfiledes       v46         v47
> lseek(0x0                      1           23
> lseek(0x1                      1             1
> lseek(0x2                      1             1
> lseek(0x3                      2             2
> lseek(0x4                      0             0
> lseek(0x5                      0             0
> lseek(0x6                      2             2
> lseek(0x7                     35           35
> lseek(0x8                       8 122969
> lseek(0x9               3           3
> lseek(0xA               1            1
> lseek(0xB               3            3
> lseek(0xC               0            0
> Hopefully, this information might be of use to someone trying to figure this 
> problem out.
> The most salient questions would be:  what is filedes 8 used for?  And why is 
> this problem only occurring on Macs?
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond-u...@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

I did a dtrace on 2.19.47, using the default introductionary song that Lilypond 
uses as a starting sample (when starting the Lilypond app)

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
syscall::lseek:entry /execname == "lilypond"/ { printf("lseek for %s ", 
execname); }
syscall::open*:entry /execname == "lilypond"/ { printf("%s %s", execname, 
copyinstr(arg0)); }

Searching within the created log-file of all dtrace hits for "open", so that 
only the open* entries are found shows that apparently the lseek-explosion 
occurs while lilypond is scanning the Mac OS X Fonts (this was not the first 
run of 2.19.47, so the initial font-scanning of the first run can not be blamed 
(unless the changes from 2.19.46 to 2.19.47 broke the font-caching system for 
Mac OS X of course)):

CC-ing lilypond-devel as this may provide useful information for them too

  0    151                       open:entry lilypond 
<..some additional open/open_nocancel calls left out..>
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 283 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 284 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond /Library/Fonts
====> LINE 285 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 286 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 287 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 288 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 289 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 290 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 291 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 292 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 293 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 294 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot.ttf
====> LINE 1344 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot.ttf
====> LINE 2398 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot.ttf
====> LINE 3446 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot.ttf
====> LINE 4496 0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Braille.ttf
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Color Emoji.ttf
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Symbols.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/Avenir Next.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/STHeiti Thin.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W3.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W6.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W0.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W2.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W4.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W5.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W6.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W7.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W8.ttc
  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W8.ttc
====> LINE 2998999  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
/System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ角ゴシック W9.ttc
====> LINE 3015508  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
====> LINE 3015509  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 
<..some additional open_nocancel entries left out ...>
====> LINE 3016058  0    937              open_nocancel:entry lilypond 

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