Reviewers: ,

Please review and let me know what you think about these changes.  They
are inspired by recent and not so recent discussions on the lists.

Here's a screenshot of the home page with these changes:

The images and other content from the 'Examples' page is moved to the
home page, and the 'Examples' page is removed from the 'Introduction'

The news entries on the home page are reduced to just headline links in
the sidebar.  They link to the 'Old News' page where the full entries
live (under 'Community').  And that page is renamed to just 'News'.

(I tried to make the headline links point to individual entries on the
News page, but the texinfo @anchor tag is unrecognized by our build
scripts.  So an upgrade is needed before we can use this feature.)

If these changes are to land as they are (pending review and discussion)
then we may want to add redirects to the htaccess file for two changed
urls before landing them:

old-news.html -> news.html
examples.html -> home page


Web: home page: add examples/images, reduce news to headlines

Examples/images is moved from the Introduction section to the
home page.

Please review this at

Affected files (+182, -181 lines):
  M Documentation/css/lilypond-website.css
  M Documentation/web.texi
  M Documentation/web/community.itexi
  M Documentation/web/introduction.itexi
  M Documentation/web/news-front.itexi
  A Documentation/web/news-headlines.itexi

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