>>>> Thank you for your answers.
>>>> Is there
>>>> /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/tools/build/gmp-6.0.0.a/config.log
>>>> ?
>>>> Would you show me config.log in gmp-6.0.0.a ?
>>> As far as I can see, that file does not exist on my system.
>> Would you show me result of the following commands?
>> $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
>> $ cd /home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/tools
>> $ find . -name "config.log"
> gub@gub-VirtualBox:~$ cd NewGub/gub/target/tools/
> gub@gub-VirtualBox:~/NewGub/gub/target/tools$ find . -name
> "config.log"
> ./build/gmp-6.0.0.a/config.log
> I have attached config.log and the output of cpuinfo.

Thank you for your files.

If I understand correctly,
my environment and your environment difference is found.
I'm making a patch for GUB.

In my 32 bit VM,

/proc/cpuinfo flags has `lm' (long mode).
So GUB sets build_hardware_bits=64.

And, GUB sets build_bits=32 because the OS is 32 bit.

Thus, build_bits != build_hardware_bits.
So GUB sets environment variable ABI=32.

GMP's configure script detects the 64 bit capable CPU but ABI=32 is set.
So the GMP building succeed.

On the other hands,
in your 32 bit VM,

/proc/cpuinfo flags does not have `lm' (long mode).
Ofcource, your CPU is 64 bit capable.
It originally would have the flag.
Perhaps virtualization software drops the flag.
So GUB sets build_hardware_bits=32.

Thus, build_bits == build_hardware_bits.
So GUB does not set environment variable ABI.

GMP's configure script detects the 64 bit capable CPU
because it uses CPUID instead of `/proc/cpuinfo'.
Then, it try to use 64 bit but it cannot use 64 bit because the OS is 32 bit.

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