Am 13.08.2016 um 08:10 schrieb David Kastrup:
> Urs Liska <> writes:
>> I have written a function to return the lowercase version of a symbol
>> for use in my library as
>> % Return the lowercase version of a symbol
>> #(define (symbol->lowercase sym)
>>    (string->symbol
>>     (string-downcase
>>      (symbol->string sym))))
>> Just a small question: this seems so general
> Why?  What would that be useful for?  Normal convention for symbols is
> already lowercase.

I accept package/module names as a symbol-list path, and users are
allowed to write them using "display" names, like

\loadModule scholarLY.annotate

Internally I'm converting them to lowercase to prevent ambiguity, so
input is a symbol but with arbitrary case. Having a list of strings
would be much less convenient to use.

>> that I can't imagine it isn't already available somewhere in Scheme,
>> Guile or LilyPond. Of course I'd prefer using an official function
>> instead of my own.
>> Thanks for any pointers
> Well, grepping for downcase in LilyPond does not return anything that
> would look like a facility of that kind.

OK, so I keep it "private".


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