Reviewers: ,
Doc: CG update Indenting with vim section
Suggestions for .vimrc did not produce correct indentation of C++
code, and also included personal and irrelevant settings such as
statusline and incsearch. I have replaced them with the settings
in the GNU GCC Wiki which do correctly indent. Also changed
suggested Scheme settings to use setlocal, and added a section of
settings for Texinfo files.
Please review this at
Affected files (+56, -43 lines):
M Documentation/contributor/programming-work.itexi
Index: Documentation/contributor/programming-work.itexi
diff --git a/Documentation/contributor/programming-work.itexi
--- a/Documentation/contributor/programming-work.itexi
+++ b/Documentation/contributor/programming-work.itexi
@@ -367,40 +367,32 @@ If you like using font-lock, you can also add this to
@end example
-@subheading Indenting with vim
-Although emacs indentation is the GNU standard, acceptable
-indentation can usually be accomplished with vim. Some hints for
-vim are as follows:
-A workable .vimrc:
-set cindent
-set smartindent
-set autoindent
-set expandtab
-set softtabstop=2
-set shiftwidth=2
-filetype plugin indent on
-set incsearch
-set ignorecase smartcase
-set hlsearch
-set confirm
-set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ %@{&ff@}\ %Y\ [ASCII=\%03.3b]\
[HEX=\%02.2B]\ %04l,%04v\ %p%%\ [LEN=%L]
-set laststatus=2
-set number
-" Remove trailing whitespace on write
-autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e
-@end example
-With this @file{.vimrc}, files can be reindented automatically by
+@subsubheading Indenting with vim
+Although emacs indentation is the GNU standard, correct
+indentation for C++ files can be achieved by using the settings
+recommended in the
+@url{, GNU GCC Wiki}.
+Save the following in @file{~/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim}:
+setlocal cindent
+setlocal cinoptions=>4,n-2,@{2,^-2,:2,=2,g0,h2,p5,t0,+2,(0,u0,w1,m1
+setlocal expandtab
+setlocal shiftwidth=2
+setlocal softtabstop=2
+setlocal textwidth=79
+setlocal fo-=ro fo+=cql
+@end example
+With these settings, files can be reindented automatically by
highlighting the lines to be indented in visual mode (use V to
-enter visual mode) and pressing @code{=}.
+enter visual mode) and pressing @code{=}, or a single line
+correctly indented in normal mode by pressing @code{==}.
-A @file{scheme.vim} file will help improve the indentation. This
-one was suggested by Patrick McCarty. It should be saved in
+A @file{scheme.vim} file will help improve the indentation of
+Scheme code. This one was suggested by Patrick McCarty. It
+should be saved in @file{~/.vim/after/syntax/scheme.vim}.
" Additional Guile-specific 'forms'
@@ -417,24 +409,45 @@ syn keyword schemeSyntax define-safe-public
syn keyword schemeSyntax def-grace-function
" All of the above should influence indenting too
-set lw+=define-public,define*-public
-set lw+=define*,lambda*,let-keywords*
-set lw+=defmacro,defmacro*,define-macro
-set lw+=defmacro-public,defmacro*-public
-set lw+=use-modules,define-module
-set lw+=define-method,define-class
-set lw+=define-markup-command,define-markup-list-command
-set lw+=define-safe-public,define-music-function
-set lw+=def-grace-function
+setlocal lw+=define-public,define*-public
+setlocal lw+=define*,lambda*,let-keywords*
+setlocal lw+=defmacro,defmacro*,define-macro
+setlocal lw+=defmacro-public,defmacro*-public
+setlocal lw+=use-modules,define-module
+setlocal lw+=define-method,define-class
+setlocal lw+=define-markup-command,define-markup-list-command
+setlocal lw+=define-safe-public,define-music-function
+setlocal lw+=def-grace-function
" These forms should not influence indenting
-set lw-=if
-set lw-=set!
+setlocal lw-=if
+setlocal lw-=set!
" Try to highlight all ly: procedures
syn match schemeFunc "ly:[^) ]\+"
@end example
+For documentation work on texinfo files, identify the file
+extensions used as texinfo files in your @file{.vim/filetype.vim}:
+if exists("did_load_filetypes")
+ finish
+augroup filetypedetect
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.itely setfiletype texinfo
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.itexi setfiletype texinfo
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.tely setfiletype texinfo
+augroup END
+@end example
+and add these settings in @file{.vim/after/ftplugin/texinfo.vim}:
+setlocal expandtab
+setlocal shiftwidth=2
+setlocal textwidth=66
+@end example
@node Naming conventions
@subsection Naming Conventions
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