Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de> writes:

> Hi all,
> @David: thank you for your "emergency call"!
> @Nathan: sorry, for giving you bad advise in this case!
> To summarize, what to do with spanners, tagged with an ID: Use context
> properties to store them "globally". You can consider the Score
> context "global". If there is a context defined with \=Staff.myid,
> store it in a context property of - in this case - the Staff context.
> Whenever you are up to using static members, change it to properties
> of the Score context - or look for session global objects.

"Session global" does not work with score markups in music:

>>A static engraver member would be a total disaster.  What happens for
>>stuff like
>>{ c1-\markup \score { \new Staff { e1 } } }
>>with global variables like that?

Anything following the progress of typesetting has to run through
engraver-local variables and context properties.

David Kastrup

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