Phil Holmes <> writes:

> Yet another question about Scheme functions (note - I _do_ try to find the 
> answers to my questions by reading the manual and experimenting, and have 
> been looking at this for a couple of hours without success).
> Background: Renaissance music has a somewhat cavalier attitude to 
> placement of accidentals.  Sometimes they are conventionally placed to the 
> left of the note, and occasionally they are placed above the note, like 
> musica ficta in modern transcriptions.  If I use \set suggestAccidentals = 
> ##t in Mensural music, I get a modern accidental sign, so this doesn't 
> help setting these.  A long-hand way of getting this effect is:


Being cleverer than LilyPond rarely pays off.

mus = \relative c''
{ c4 d e \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t fis

\score {
  \new MensuralStaff \with { \override AccidentalSuggestion.glyph-name-alist =
			     #alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist }
      \new MensuralVoice { \mus }

David Kastrup
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