Am 15.04.2016 um 04:25 schrieb Bryan Jacobowitz:
> Hi, I'm interested in contributing to Lilypond but I could use some
> direction in starting out. How can I get in touch with a mentor?
> I have some C++ and Python experience, and I've been using Lilypond off and
> on for about 4 years now. So far I've set up LilyDev and built lilypond
> from the source.
> Thanks,
> Bryan Jacobowitz

I have got stuck (not due to difficulties but due to lack of time) with
a project improving the code that determines the beaming pattern (i.e.
how many beams will be printed to the left and right of any given stem).
It's fairly straightforward C++ work with not too much issues regarding
the integration in the LilyPond architecture. The difficulty is more in
the inherent logic.

I might use some "assistance" to get that development on track again. If
you'd be interested giving it a look I'd give you some pointers and a
remote branch to get the code from. Just send me a PM (or reply on-list).


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