Am 11. April 2016 12:16:50 MESZ, schrieb Federico Bruni <>:
>Il giorno dom 10 apr 2016 alle 21:50, Paul Morris 
><> ha scritto:
>> Hi all,
>> In CG 3.4.10 “Pushing to staging” it describes ways to push to 
>> staging from a patch file or from a branch:
>> I tried the branch instructions to avoid the extra step of having to 
>> create a patch file, but it resulted in an additional commit message 
>> about merging from the branch, which I saw in gitk.  The instructions
>> say I "should see that staging is only ahead of origin/staging by the
>> commits from your branch."  So I backed everything out and went with 
>> the patch approach instead and that worked fine.
>> Now I’m wondering… Is there a way to use the branch approach 
>> without having that extra merge commit message?  Does everyone just 
>> use the patch approach?  Maybe this should be covered in more depth 
>> in CG 3.4.10 since currently that merge commit is not mentioned and 
>> it is not clear whether having it is ok/preferred or not.
>Hi Paul
>I asked similar questions some time ago but I did not do anything to 
>fix the CG manual:
>I like this approach:

Yes, I think that's usually the way to go.


>I've created an issue here:
>lilypond-devel mailing list

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