Hi all

I've just uploaded a new LilyDev image to github:

This is a minor release which fixes a few misconfigurations:

-    add ca-certificates (needed for git and git-cl)
- add texlive-xetex (optional) -- WARNING: please install the package lmodern, required by xetex, or you won't be able to compile the documentation (unfortunately I found it out while I was uploading the ISO file)
-    add also $LILYPOND_GIT/scripts/auxiliar to PATH
-    add ~/bin to PATH (for lilypond binaries)
- add the user account to vbkxsf (needed to be able to browse a VirtualBox shared folder) - improve the lilydev-setup.sh script. Check if files or directories exist before proceeding and warn the user. This allows to rerun the script after the first time (in case it's needed).

You can check the integrity of the downloaded file with this command:

md5sum lilydev-4.1-i386.hybrid.iso

The output should be identical to the content of lilydev-4.1-i386.hybrid.iso.md5


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