On Mar 26, 2016, at 11:34 , Daniel Birns <daniel.bi...@icloud.com> wrote:
> I’m on Mac/OS X. My impression is that most (all?) lilypond developers are on 
> linux. I will need help getting past this point.
> I have VMWare with a windows VM, and could probably add a linux VM, though 
> I’d prefer not. I’m already on limited disk space, and getting the build to 
> get this far has eaten quite a bit of memory. The fonts in particular are 
> difficult.
> Otherwise, I will probably have to give up, which is okay.

I’m using LilyDev in a VM hosted on OS X and it’s the bee’s knees.  Facing your 
limitations, I would probably give up, though it has been years since I tried 
building on OS X.  At that time, it required three days of building and 
installing dependencies with fink, macports, or whatever it was.

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