Hi all,

GSoC students' application is completed, and now its our turn again. We
have time until April 11 to propose a list of projects we want to have
and request slots for. The maximum number of slots we can request is the
number of mentors we have available, and we will have to assign the
projects an "urgency" level of either "essential" or "desired".
There is no idea how many slots we will eventually get.

We have six applications for five different projects, from five
different students. On the other side we have currently four mentors
registered. So this means as of now we will have to choose four out of
five students for our slot requests. I think we could still add mentors
until April 11, but from the process until now I doubt there will be
any, and of course we can't reasonably expect to get five slots in the
end. (GNU has a total of 42 applications, including ours; GNU will apply
for the sum of slots requested by its subprojects and will then
distribute the slots it *gets* among the member orgs.)

I think we should *not* discuss our evaluations on this public list, or
do you disagree? OTOH I don't think we should discuss it exlusively
between the potential mentors but should have a wider circle. What do
you suggest? I can set up a temporary private mailman list on
openlilylib.org for that purpose.

But before that I'll give you a summary of applications and mentors:

Paul Morris and Isaac David have both applied for the "Chord Structures"
project which would be mentored by Carl Sorensen. So that means there
will have to be a choice between these two.

David Garfinkle has applied for both "MusicXML export" and "Emmentaler
Glyph Variants". Both would be mentored by Werner Lemberg, so only one
of these two projects can be done.

Nathan Chou has applied for the "Let Spanners Cross Voices" project,
which would be mentored by Jan-Peter Voigt.

Jeffery Shivers has applied for "ScholarLY", which I would mentor.


Urs Liska

lilypond-devel mailing list

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