
On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Simon Albrecht-2 [via Lilypond] <> wrote:

> On 23.03.2016 18:14, Abraham Lee wrote:
> > Dev Team,
> >
> > I was wondering if you have any insight concerning the possibility
> > of/complications with changing the default Y-offset of LyricText to
> > be aligned on vertical center of the font's x-height. The Dynamics
> > characters do something similar already (roughly aligned on the vertical
> > center of Emmentaler's "m" glyph[1]), so why not lyrics? Seems like this
> > would bring a visual improvement over the current Y-offset of zero
> (i.e.,
> > the font's baseline).
> […]
> > I guess this might only be helpful when you want the lyrics to be
> > vertically centered between two staves (like in a hymnal)

Thanks for your comments.

> Why would anybody want that? The lyrics should be placed between the
> skylines of the neighbouring lines, and I don’t see the point of any
> exact v-centering.

I can count quite a few times where I have wanted this, not only with
hymnal-like music either. I can't imagine I'm the only one, but maybe I am.
This usually comes up when I want to center some lyrics between to
PianoStaff staves. The normal centering puts the baseline equidistant
between the staves, but there's an obviously larger amount of white-space
below the lyrics than above. I understand the need to for taking skylines
into account, but doesn't the Dynamics context do this, too?

> If anything, Y-offset would be relevant for alignment with other items
> on or next to the lyrics line. I don’t know how alignment with
> LyricHyphen and LyricExtender is currently handled, and how that would
> play with your suggestion; the only other item I can think of now is
> StanzaNumber – which should of course normally have the same baseline as
> the LyricText.

Agreed. Those would need to be considered, too.


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