Am 22.03.2016 um 15:32 schrieb Karl O. Pinc:
>>> I'm thinking about someday contributing to lilypond
>> Great!  The first step is to post specific issues that
>> you have identified to the bug list:
>> for discussion and to have an Issue created.
> Ok.  Thanks.
> I take it that this is not required for a doc patch?
> I'm thinking I'll send in something simple like that (through
> the development pipeline) to get started.

It seems there's a little bit of confusion over what you intend to do
actually. I understand you are not interested in only reporting bugs but
in providing patches, but mainly (only) to the documentation.

If you want to prepare a patch it is not required to create an issue
*before*, but during the process you'll implicitly create one. But
depending on what you intend to do it may be very useful to discuss your
idea on the bug-lilypond or rather the lilypond-devel mailing list,
otherwise you may risk that your patch is not welcomed as nicely as you

OTOH, if you think there's something wrong that should be reported it's
perfectly possible to create an issue without actually working on it
(well, that's true for the vast majority of open issues). However, even
when you have got your account you shouldn't simply create an issue on
your own but rather report it on the bug-lilypond list to have someone
from the bug squad create the tracker item. The main reason for this is
to have at least two pairs of eyes look over it before the tracker item
is created. Pretty often it turns out that it is *not* a bug or (more
often) an already registered one.

>> The first few patches are usually sheparded through the
>> system by one of the Devs before you are elevated to
>> Developer status.
> I am at present way too ignorant of music to be comfortable
> with Developer status.

Well, in this context "Developer" means anyone with push access to the
repository, which includes people who are only touching the docs as
well. For now you would be able to upload a patch for review, and when
the patch has reached "Push" status you'd have to ask for someone to
push it on your behalf. At some point, when the devs and you have the
impression that the collaboration will become more continuous (or if
they simply are tired of pushing patches for you ;-) ) you may get that
push access.


> Regards,
> Karl <>
> Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
>                  -- Robert A. Heinlein
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