Hello Nathan,

welcome to the lilypond-devel list. I hope we'll find a way for you to
join us sustainably :-)

Your post is not fully clear, though (at least to me), as I think it
gives too little information to estimate your experience (combined with
the willingness to learn).

If you want to go for the GSoC (which is a good thing) you should start
with reading our list of project suggestions at
http://lilypond.org/google-summer-of-code.html. This is not
authoritative but gives you an idea about how (large) we think GSoC
projects may look like.

Browsing the issue tracker is less likely to turn up suitable GSoC
projects, But if you did this in order to find something for an initial
acquaintance it is of course a good idea.

Maybe it would also be a good idea to start with something together with
someone else. I may have a suggestion for you. I currently have an open
working branch to rewrite the code that rules the beaming pattern (that
is: how many beams are to the right and left of a beamed stem). This
turned out to be quite complex *musically*, but the actual programming
is not that difficult: rather normal C++, with only *some* interaction
with the Guile stuff.
If you want you can inspect the "dev/urs/beaming-pattern" branch, look
at what I've changed there and decide if that might be an interesting
"first contact" issue.

Best wishes

Am 02.03.2016 um 05:07 schrieb Nathan Chou:
> Hello,
> I am a second-year student looking to contribute for Google Summer of Code
> (and perhaps afterward). I've used Lilypond to make some relatively simple
> scores before, and have some experience in C/C++ (not yet familiar with
> Scheme, but learning).
> I've downloaded LilyDev and successfully compiled the current master, and
> was looking through the issue tracker for a simple task to help me
> understand the codebase. However I'm not sure what tasks are an appropriate
> difficulty for me. How should I get started?
> Thanks!
> Nathan
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