On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 9:23 AM, Pierre-Luc Gauthier [via Lilypond] <
ml-node+s1069038n187606...@n5.nabble.com> wrote:

> Might I add,
> LilyPond is a rather exotic alternative compared to most other commercial
> project.
> The project as a whole needs visibility to gain recognition.
> Could this default tag be seen as a survival feature for the project?
> I am trying to show (or just explain) my LilyPond/Git/LaTeX workflow to my
> friends who are fully into music writing; they just don't see it worth the
> trouble.
> But when they see the quality of the result, they are thrown away. I
> explicitly want them to know that it was LilyPond made.
> As for LilyPond users that do not care, I strongly suggest that it be
> tagged as a LilyPond made score by default.
> Back when LilyPond was just an possible alternative in the back of my
> mind,
> while wandering through the web, I started paying attention at that tag at
> the bottom.
> The more I saw that tag, the more I realized that LilyPond could indeed
> used and therefore be usable by most anybody.
> My extremely non technology savvy mother knows about LibreOffice.
> Most of my professional music colleagues have never even heard of
> LilyPond.
> I think it is an issue.
> My default bottom tag I use is quite extensive but in the context in which
> I work demands an extremely clear version of a given arrangement as it
> changes for week to week.
> I happen to think that this default tag line in a bit too much though.
> ​I do think that just "LilyPond 2.19.36" with the link inside it is quite
> enough information to give to someone actually interested in how this
> music
> was written.
> ​
> At one extreme I think that cocky advertisement obviously does not have
> its
> place in a FOSS project, and on the other, I think that LilyPond needs the
> visibility.
> But then again, in all my project I \include "../myLilypondSlippers.ily"
> and I am good to go with a tag line I actually want to use.
> Thanks for the conversation.

Thanks for sharing, Pierre. That's a great insight.

- Abraham

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