I'm sorry but I don't get this.

Am 17.02.2016 um 22:48 schrieb Abraham Lee:
> This sounds a lot like lilybin.com <http://lilybin.com>...
> - Abraham
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 2:45 PM, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org
> <mailto:u...@openlilylib.org>> wrote:
>     I know this has been discussed in various flavors over the years,
>     but I
>     need to raise the issue once more. Please note that this actually
>     encloses two questions.
>     Would it be possible to make LilyPond work in a server mode where the
>     whole Guile environment is loaded only once and the running server
>     would
>     be listening and accepting files to compile (or maybe piped .ly
>     input or
>     even Scheme music expressions)?
>     I assume this could provide significant improvements in a number
>     of use
>     cases.
>     How fundamentally would one have to turn LilyPond's architecture
>     upside
>     down for this? Is this conceptually impossible, just difficult or
>     simply
>     too big to have been tackled so far?
>     Is this a task that could *somehow* be estimated in developer
>     weeks/months if one would dream of a paid developer?
>     ###
>     A second idea is not directly related but would rely on the first. If
>     LilyPond *could* run as a server, would there be a chance to keep the
>     parsed document (i.e. not the engraving) in memory?
>     This may seem nonsensical, but if I'm not mistaken this would open up
>     the possibility to recompile a document with changed edition-engraver
>     mods. As these could also comprise skipTypesetting commands this would
>     make it possible to recompile an arbitrary excerpt (e.g. the current
>     system) of a score while tweaking, without LilyPond having to
>     parse the
>     whole score over and over again.
>     Same questions as above: conceptually possible at all, any estimate on
>     the size of such an endeavour?
>     Thanks
>     Urs
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