Am 29.01.2016 um 05:01 schrieb Paul Morris:
> Hi Urs,
> Well, David K mentored “MusicXML” last summer so he would surely qualify
> as a potential mentor if he wants to be listed as such.  David, what
are your
> thoughts and your availability and interest for this summer?
> Also, Janek was willing to mentor “Slurs and Ties” last summer, so he would be
> a potential mentor for that one.  I’d suggest contacting him directly if you 
> haven’t yet.

I will do that - although I doubt he'll be available.

> I think the ideas list should cast a wide net.  While it would be ideal if we 
> had
> mentors lined up for every project, the main thing is to get students to 
> contact
> us and then proceed from there.  For example, if we have a really motivated 
> and > capable student, a secondary mentor might be willing to be a primary
mentor, or
> maybe we can find a primary mentor at that point to make it happen (sometimes
> peoples plans change).  That’s why I like listing “Potential Mentors”.  It 
> allows
> for more flexibility.
> In short I’d rather a student contact us and then work on matching them up 
> with a
> project and mentor, than have them not contact us because they liked a 
> particular
> project but it was listed as not having a mentor.

These are good points

> So I see two possibilities: 
> 1. Add the new projects and re-sort the list so the projects with definite 
> mentors
> are at the top and those currently without definite mentors are toward the 
> bottom.  
> 2. Have two lists, one for projects with definite mentors for summer 2016, 
> and one
> for the rest of the projects.  (The minor downside is then things have to be
> refreshed each year.)

I suggest the second option. IMO reviewing this every year and keeping
it current is a good thing anyway. I'm sure somehow one "feels" if such
a list is maintained or not ...

> The chord project that Carl describes sounds like a nice addition to me, as 
> does your
> project on spanners crossing voices.

Should I prepare a description even if I think I can't serve as mentor?

> -Paul
> P.S. I don’t suppose it would be possible (and make sense) to do a joint 
> project with
> Guile to work on LilyPond and Guile 2.0 interoperability?  Like with mentors 
> from both
> projects.  I assume that would be too difficult a task at this point, at 
> least I think
> that was the thinking last year.

Would be great to have ...



Urs Liska

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