I'm interested in seeing what it would take to add OpenType features
-- specifically old style number figures (onum) and small caps (smcp).

First issue: It appears that lilypond is dependent on pango 1.6
(pangoft2 - required 1.6.0, INSTALL.txt says pango 1.12 or newer so
I'm not totally sure what to believe.). OpenType features were added
in pango 1.18 (assuming I'm reading this correctly:
https://developer.gnome.org/pango/unstable/api-index-1-18.html). Are
there known issues with making this the new minimum version?

Any pointers on where to start in lilypond code? I'll look into this a
bit this afternoon.

This is the lilypond issue:
https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1388 (What's the
new issue location? I couldn't find it in my quick searching and
lilypond still points to google code



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