On 12/18/15 12:52 PM, "Urs Liska" <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

>Am 18.12.2015 um 18:35 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
>> On 12/18/15 9:49 AM, "lilypond-devel-bounces+c_sorensen=byu....@gnu.org
>> behalf of Urs Liska" <lilypond-devel-bounces+c_sorensen=byu....@gnu.org
>> behalf of u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
>>> If I could either retrieve the start_moment of the note *after* the
>>> current beam *or* the duration of the last item in infos_ I could
>>> calculate the value I need (I think). Or maybe there's a different
>>> solution altogether?
>> I believe that you can use the Beaming_pattern::end_moment(i) to get the
>> end_moment of the stem at infos_[i].
>Thanks Carl. This seems to bring me further.
>Although I was convinced it wouldn't work as end_moment actually counts
>beamlets - and I need this function during the calculation of the
>beamlet count. I expected it to cause a loop or something, but it seems
>to work, and now I seem to have at least one side of the division
>feature the right number of beams.

Every stem needs to have enough beamlets for its duration.

Subdivision just says whether they extend to the left, right, or both


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