Count me in as a developer if there's room. Work is slow for me at the
moment and I would enjoy working on the project.


On Monday, October 19, 2015, Urs Liska [via Lilypond] <> wrote:

> Dear developers,
> most of you will know or at least have noticed that I have thought about
> integrating LilyPond and the XML based MEI format. If not you might
> consider reading my current post on for an
> introduction. Today I would like to make kind of an announcement and
> call for discussion.
> Chances are pretty good that there will be a publicly funded development
> project with the goal of integrating LilyPond and MEI or - in a somewhat
> grander context - integrating professional music engraving in current
> digital music edition concepts. The project is intended to be hosted at
> the institute for music informatics at the music university in
> Karlsruhe/Germany and the ZenMEM (, a Digital
> Humanities institute founded for coordinating German research on digital
> music edition. The ZenMEM will also submit the application to the DFG
> (German Research Union). The actual scope and scale of the project
> application will have to be considered carefully but we start discussion
> with a three year project with two full positions. If we can make it
> plausible there might be the option to add some portions to commission
> individual development tasks externally.
> So while we still have to write an application and hope for its
> acceptance it is at least clear that the application *will* happen and
> there are reasons to consider it a promising application.
> I think this is a huge opportunity to bring LilyPond forward. First this
> will bring us a whole new range of users and use cases, maybe even to a
> point where a general audience will take notice of LilyPond on a
> different level. Second this potential new user base (the academic music
> edition community) can be expected to contribute back to LilyPond, in
> short and on the long run. And finally this project would mean
> significant amounts of money (= development capacity) thrown at us, and
> one can assume a significant share of that going into LilyPond
> development itself, and a significant share of *that* part benefitting
> LilyPond users in general, without considering the MEI/Digital Edition
> part.
> The task at hand is to produce the application which starts with
> outlining the development tasks, starting with ideas and wishes but
> pinning them down as concretely as possible. We intend to submit the
> application by the end of the year and have a meeting where people from
> the MEI and the LilyPond developer communities get together and outline
> possible tasks, with special consideration of the obstacles to overcome
> because of some conceptual incompatibilities.
> The actual discussion should take place on another, dedicated list, and
> I'll post to that about the outline as it currently stands. But I want
> to invite anyone from here to participate in that discussion as it's
> presumably an important and hopefully fruitful one for LilyPond. If
> you're interested in it please get in touch with me (if you aren't
> already).
> Best
> Urs
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