
On October 2, 2015 12:09:35 PM GMT+01:00, Phil Holmes <> 
>I know this has been briefly discussed before, and the conclusion then
>to wait until we have a Savannah-hosted tracker before updating the CG
>document the use of the Allura tracker.  However, Savannah hosting
>be anytime or no time, so it seems to me that initial updates to point
>the current Allura tracker are warranted.  Further updates will be
>once git-cl and Patchy are working with Allura, but it seems to me
>to leave known outdated information in the CG.  Anyone oppose updating
>lilypond-devel mailing list

I've been thinking the same thing and have been working on a patch that updates 
the information about the Patch review process that is currently in the CG. It 
needs some editing down - initially I brain dump then pare it back bit by bit - 
and I was going to include Allura in that or at least reference it.

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