Simon Albrecht wrote Friday, September 04, 2015 12:50 AM

> I won’t fix this now, because we have no solution for the problem that 
> all comments on the issue are deleted if e.g. the summary is changed – a 
> quite unpleasant ‘feat’ of Allura which I discovered by fortunately only 
> junking the two comments on issue 3900. Beware of that!

I just tried editing the same issue in my other Allura project which I'm
using as a test-bed.  Sure enough, the comments were "deleted".
However, when I went into edit again and saved it without making any
changes the comments re-appeared!

We need to try to understand what is happening here.

@Simon: could you try doing that to see if it resurrects the comments
of our real issue 3900.

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