Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

> [CCing Nacho]
>> Nacho has included bugs.lilypond.gnu.org as an alias on the apache
>> configuration and he has been asked to set this up as a DNS name.
> Well, `bugs.lilypond.gnu.org' apparently doesn't work.
>> I've not yet heard back from him, so don't know if this has been
>> done.
> It seems not to be done yet...
> Nacho, instead of the previously proposed alias, please use the better
> name `lilypond-bugs.gnu.org'!  And please tell us as soon as you are
> done.

Before we do 5 proposals in a row: shouldn't we rather try matching the
name of our bug reporting list and aim for bug-lilypond.gnu.org?  The
disadvantage I see for any hyphenated version is that
bugs.lilypond.gnu.org leaves open the ability to create further
.lilypond.gnu.org aliases like gerrit.lilypond.gnu.org should the need
arise.  I don't know if and how the subdomain management of gnu.org is
organized, so maybe we should first get agreement on which variants
would be preferable in case that .gnu.org favors one approach over the

David Kastrup

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