Am 2. September 2015 07:30:09 MESZ, schrieb Federico Bruni <>: >Hi folks > >I know that a lot of time has been invested on Allura, especially by >Trevor. >So I feel uneasy in writing this email, but I have the feeling that the > >time >costraint didn't help to make the best decision for the new issue >tracker. > >Allura doesn't seem a software which is going to have many users: poor >user >interface, impenetrable documentation (as Phil defined it and I agree). >At the same time, the interim solution (hosting on Sourceforge) has the > >ads/privacy >problem.
Ok, but this is a temporary problem, isn't it? > >What if we take some time to evaluate other alternatives and in the >meanwhile >we use Bitbucket or Github? Not Free services, I know, but at least >their >business model seems honest. >Any issue tracker will be able to import from Github/Bitbucket, as >these are >the most used services nowadays. > >I tested the Google Code Issue Exporter on a private repository on >bitbucket >and it seems to work fine. Very quick, because the attachments are just >linked: you see the image inline in the issue, but the actual file is >not >in the bitbucket database, it's a link to As >long as >Google doesn't delete these files in the future, this should be fine. > >Regarding the alternatives, I found Gogs, which seems really promising: > > But this doesn't change the https issue. > >The user interface is very similar to github. See for example: > > >The problem is that migrating from Github/Bitbucket is not currently >possible: > What about importing from the current *SF) Allura solution? > >What do you think? I'm open to revusiting the issue but I haven't spent work on the current approach so that doesn't add too much weight. Urs > >PS >While checking if Gogs was already mentioned while discussing about the > >new >tracker, I found a Gogs instance run by a lilypond user :-) > > > > > >_______________________________________________ >lilypond-devel mailing list > > -- Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet. _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list