Am 01.07.2015 um 04:02 schrieb Andrew Levine:
> Hello -- I recently made a novel use of Lilypond by using Javascript to
> place English letters underneath notes in the SVG output, and allowing the
> user to play the song in an online game called Piano Typewriter. Is there
> any lists I can send this link to other than here?

This looks interesting.
However, I'm not really sure what you want with it (or probably there's
an issue with what the site currently does).

What I see after choosing a song is that seemingly arbitrary letters in
a  Courier-like font are placed above the noteheads. If these letters
should be the note names then it seems to be not working properly. If
these should *not* be note names I'm dearly missing an
explanation/introduction on the website.

Additionally I'd be interested to learn how the actual engraving is
achieved. Obviously you are importing something from Mutopia. Is that
the plain lily files or already some engraved material? I'm asking
because a few random checks show that some scores are engraved rather
poorly. If you are importing LilyPond sources from Mutopia you might
have to check if they are engraved properly with the version of LilyPond
you are using. For example have a look at Bach's Goldberg Variation 9
(Can't provide a link because it's JavaScript).

Please take this not as a criticism of your idea but as constructive hints.
Once it is working properly you should post that to the lilypond-user
mailing list, and if it is really working properly we can also add an
entry to the "pondings" on the home page (send a request to
the bug-lilypond mailing list then (but only then)).


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